The week from Sunday, June 7 to Sunday, June 14, 2020, was perhaps my most satisfying since I began birdwatching in earnest. By the way, you English majors and perhaps others who closely follow my blog, may have noticed I have begun using and spelling “birdwatcher” as one word, not two. Click here for the reason behind the change! Since I have decided to actually start birdwatching, I try to spend time each day expanding my knowledge and experiences. Often, it is just sitting quietly in my own yard. But I also try to venture out to other venues in search of new species. Such was the case for the week covered in this blog. As you shall see, I added several new species to my species list, and got some better photographs of birds that I had already seen and recorded in my list. All in all, a very satisfying week! I hope you enjoy my little blog about my week…
Sunday June 7, 2020: A Nice Walk at Warbler Woods...
Sunday morning, June 7, 2020, I got up early and drove over to Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary in Cibolo, arriving at 6:30 a.m. As recorded in my eBird Checklist, I recorded 19 species of birds and walked 4.30 miles that day. The highlights of my day were seeing a Green Heron and two Black-bellied Whistling Ducks at Scout Pond, a Ladder-backed Woodpecker and a Painted Bunting at the Old Barn, and a beautiful Lesser Goldfinch at Warbler Pond. A great day of walking and birdwatching!

Tuesday June 9, 2020: In Search of The Brown Booby...
On Monday, June 8, 2020, I noticed a post in a birding group on Facebook about a sighting of a Brown Booby at Canyon Dam. According to the post, it is very, very rare to see this seabird in our neck of the woods. I looked up the Brown Booby on eBird, and sure enough, it is rare to see one this far inland. So late Tuesday afternoon, June 9, 2020, I drove up to Canyon Dam and set out in search of the Brown Booby. I hiked along the top of the dam for a little over a half mile and spotted the bird on a ledge of the intake tower. I watched and photographed him for 45 minutes, hoping to see him display one of his acrobatic dives into the water, but he never budged from the ledge. It was, none-the-less, an exciting experience to see this rare bird!

Friday, June 12, 2020: Playing Cat and Mouse With a Barred Owl...
Friday morning, June 12, 2020, I was up early and about 6:20 a.m. I went out front to open my gate for some workmen who were supposed to show up at 7:00 a.m. As I walked out toward the gate I caught a glimpse of a large bird as it flew to one of the pecan trees out front. I scurried back inside and got my binoculars and camera and headed out to see if I could get a glimpse of the bird and perhaps a photo. As I edged my way very slowly, I saw the bird fly to a tree further out toward the road. I kept stalking him trying to get closer, and suddenly he flew into the canopy of the woods across the street. I headed over there and picked up the trail, seeing the bird make two more short flights, trying to elude me. The final flight brought the bird to a perch high up on a large pecan tree at the back of the heavily wooded lot. I was able to positively id the bird as a Barred Owl and got a couple of photographs. They are not the best, but much better than I have managed before. I was so proud of myself for tracking the bird and for staying patient during the times when I could not locate him. I am starting to think I might make a decent birdwatcher after all!

Saturday, June 13, 2020: A Pleasant Walk Along Cibolo Creek...
Saturday morning, June 13, 2020, I headed over to Crescent Bend Nature Park and enjoyed a pleasant walk along Cibolo Creek. I also walked the loop while there. Overall I spent about three and a half hours walking and birdwatching, and covered a little over 4 miles. The highlight of the day was the 20 minutes I spent watching a Green Heron fish in Cibolo creek — what a stunning and cunning bird! Other notable sightings: I saw my first Little Blue Heron, a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, a Snowy Egret, a Killdeer, and a Norther Cardinal with a mouth-full!

Sunday, June 14, 2020: A Fine Day At the Guadalupe River...
Sunday morning, June 14, 2020, I headed out to hike the Guadalupe River South Trail for the first time. It is a beautiful trail, and I had a very nice walk as I covered a little over four miles in my four hours there. There are lots of little side trails down to the water and, after about the three quarter mile mark, off to the right, trails that are out from under the canopy. I was a little disappointed with how few birds I saw, but, just as I was about finished for the day I ran across a couple of new species…several delightful little Black-and-white Warblers and a Eurasian Collared-Dove. I saw a couple of the Warblers in a tree at the waters edge, then watched as one took a bath in a little creek that was running into the river. What a delight! I spotted the Dove on a high wire near the trailhead. Turned out to be a wonderful day of enjoying the sights and sounds of the river and some birdwatching!

What a wonderful week this was! New birds, new places, and a new confidence that my birdwatching skills are slowly getting better. One of the main benefits of this birdwatching thing is the development of patience and the ability to enjoy and savor the anticipation of what each new adventure holds! Stay tuned!
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