A Reunion To Remember
(Dorothy’s 55th!)
High School Reunions are not ordinarily my cup of tea, especially when it is not my high school that is doing the reuniting. But Dorothy’s 55th Reunion was uncharacteristically enjoyable, and I am grateful I got to be a part of it. I had the opportunity to meet and have conversations with some very pleasant and interesting people (mostly about birds and golf). So, I wanted to record this memorable event in our lives with this little blog post. Here goes!
The organizing committee for Dorothy’s reunion had planned two activities for the weekend — dinner and socializing on both Friday and Saturday, April 28 & 29, 2023, at the scene of the crime, Port Lavaca, Texas. It turns out that Tommy Stellman, an old friend of the Lancaster family, had recently passed, so we also had the opportunity to attend his funeral that Saturday morning. We also had time to make a return visit to Lavaca Barbeque for some excellent brisket. And, as I often do (since having been bitten by the birding bug a couple of years ago), I slipped away for some bird watching. Saturday morning, I welcomed the sun sitting on Lavaca Bay behind our hotel, the Holiday Inn Express. I enjoyed watching a group of Brown Pelicans and other assorted shorebirds. That afternoon, I drove down to Indianola and spent a couple of hours walking around Magic Ridge. It was very, very windy, so there weren’t many birds moving about, but I had a lovely walk. I got up early on Sunday morning and watched the sun rise from Hog Bayou, part of the Guadalupe Delta WMA, down by Tivoli. The wind and the birding was much better than the day before, and I saw a number of very active warblers and other birds common to the area this time of year. Since we were staying at the host hotel, Dorothy had plenty of opportunities for informal visits in the lobby/lounge area with some of her classmates. She reports that these visits including a lot of laughter and good karma. So, for this old man, it was a very enjoyable weekend, birding, eating barbeque, and watching my beautiful wife catching up with some of her old friends and classmates. Here are a few photos from Dorothy’s 55th high school reunion.

Here are a few of the birds I watched and photographed while we attended Dorothy’s reunion. I had lots of opportunities to practice my photography skills, or lack thereof!

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