One of my favorite elements at Legend Rock, Wyoming, August 28, 2018.

Legend Rock Gallery (Thermopolis, Wyoming)

Billy and I spent the morning of Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at the Legend Rock Site, located 29 miles northwest of Thermopolis, Wyoming.  There are 92 panels along over over a quarter of a mile of vertical sandstone cliffs.  Most archaeologists agree that this was not a permanent camp site, but probably a ritual site that was sacred to prehistoric peoples over thousands of years.  The site is best known for its large, elaborate, and highly abstract anthropomorphic figures.  It is commonly said that much of the art is Dinwoody style, but honestly, it looks and feels different than Dinwoody to me.  There was one figure that did resemble Dinwoody elements, but most, in my opinion, did not.  It is not open to debate, however, that this is one fine rock art site!  I hope you enjoy my photos!

A couple more photos that I took with my Samsung S7 cellphone....

Billy, taking a break at Legend Rock. This shot gives the viewer an idea of how steep the cliffs were.
The central figure in the panel behind Billy does remind me of the Dinwoody style, but not much else at the site does!