The V Bar V brand was incorporated into the chimney of the original ranch house near the site.

The V Bar V Ranch Petroglyph Site Gallery

On the afternoon of April 6, 2019, after visiting the Palatki and Honanki sites, Billy and I dropped by the V Bar V Heritage Site.  The V Bar V ranch was obtained by the U.S. Forest Service in 1994 and opened to the public in 1996.  The petroglyph site was first reported in 1945, but seldom visited (and suffered no vandalism) since it was on private ranch property.  The site consists of four main panels and 1,032 individual petroglyphs.  The petroglyphs are in the Beaver Creek Style (found in the Eastern half of Verde County) and are known  for their precise execution.  Another characteristic of the Beaver Creek Style is the pairing of elements, ie, two humans, two turtles, etc.  Many elements also have cupules pecked and ground into them.  We enjoyed this site, although the late afternoon sun was not the best for photographing the panels.  Hope you enjoy the photos!  To read my blog about the trip that included my visit to the V Bar V Heritage site, look here.