Ran across this panel up near the approach to the top of the mountain...not far from what I call The Shaman's Cave.

Alamo Mountain Rock Art Galleries

In late January, 2017, Billy Wortham and I spent a few days camping and exploring at Alamo Mountain, New Mexico.  The mountain had a large number of petroglyphs — an interesting mixture of Jornada Mogollon and Apache.  We spent the better part of two days exploring the rock art and the ruins of a Butterfield Stage Depot, located at the site of an old spring at the base of the mountain.  We enjoyed brilliant, sunny, and windy days.  Here are some of the photos I took at the rock art at Alamo Mountain…..

A final photo...the plane crash by the side of the road on the drive in....

On the way out, a border patrol agent told us the pilot had to make an emergency landing on the road and his wing clipped a fence post.