Straight-billed Woodcreeper Gallery

Dendroplex picus

The Birds of the World website provides this introductory information about the Straight-billed Woodcreeper:  The Straight-billed Woodcreeper is common in open woodland, scrub, and river edge forest. Its very pale, straight bill and face and throat are the most distinctive features, but visual separation from other species, particularly Zimmer’s Woodcreeper (Dendroplex kienerii), can be challenging. The song is subtly diagnostic, a fast accelerating and descending trill given throughout the day. Individuals or pairs forage along smaller trunks and limbs at lower levels, often joining mixed-species flocks. This species is widespread, and is distributed from Panama south through central South America and to northeastern Brazil.

I saw and photographed my first Straight-billed Woodcreeper on the morning of  August 21, 2023 at Parque Mãe Bonifácia in Cuiabá, Brazil. I had a free day from tour activities, so I went to the park by myself and spent the morning walking the trails and looking for birds. The Straight-billed Woodcreeper was one of the first birds I saw that I couldn’t identify, so I knew it would be a new bird for me.  For a more detailed description of the trip that included my sighting of this bird look at this blog post.  Here are some of my photos of this cute little bird.