White-fronted Nunbird Gallery
Monasa morphoeus
The Birds of the World website offers these introductory words about the White-fronted Nunbird: White-fronted Nunbird is a fairly uncommon resident in the midstory and subcanopy of terre firme forest. The closely related Black-fronted Nunbird lacks the white face and is found in varzea forest rather than terre firme. Although their song is similar to Black-fronted, it is generally faster and higher; they also tend to be less vocal overall. Often encountered in pairs or small family groups, White-fronted Nunbirds are frequently found in mixed passerine flocks. In fact, seeing this species is often a good indication of a nearby flock.
I saw and photographed my first White-fronted Nunbird on the morning of August 18, 2023 in the Amazon Basin Region of Brazil. Our small group with Jeff Parker Tours was in an observation tower at a private fazenda in the Amazon Basin watching a Harpy Eagle nest when we spotted a small groupt of White-fronted Nunbirds passing through the canopy near our tower. For a more detailed description of this day, look here at my blog post on my Brazil trip. Here are some of my photos of this unusual bird.