The Magic of Grape Jelly– A Baltimore Oriole Story
On September 8, 2022, I was sitting in my study working on the computer when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of brilliant color at my back yard feeder. I grabbed my binoculars and was delighted to see a beautiful male Baltimore Oriole. I quickly grabbed an orange and some grape jelly and set out a welcome buffet for this beautiful bird. I had hoped that the Oriole would stick around for a few days, and maybe invite a few friends over for grape jelly. Here are a couple of the photos that I took on September 8, 2022.
When I first spotted this Baltimore Oriole at my back yard feeder, I quickly looked the bird up on e-Bird and discovered that its visit was part of a yearly Fall migration. I also discovered that this bird loves orange halves and grape jelly, and that putting these items would attract Baltimore Orioles year after year. Although this bird only stuck around one afternoon, I made a mental note to begin setting out oranges in September of the next year (2023) in an attempt to attract this beautiful species of bird. So, that is exactly what I did. I had constructed a little addition to my feeder area that included two stumps with a perch log between them (harvested from the dry lake bed as GBRA drained out lake beginning in March of 2023), and I began placing three orange halves on the perch log a few days into September. I was beginning to get discouraged after no Orioles showed up the first week that I put the Oranges out. But, lo and behold, on September 21, 2023, five Baltimore Orioles showed up! I was ecstatic and enjoyed the next five days watching as these birds devoured a bag of oranges and a large jar of Welch’s grape jelly. A couple of days after I started putting the grape jelly on the oranges, local bees discovered this sweet treat, and soon began competing with the Orioles for domination of the grape jelly. I did a little research and found that while bees are not a mainstay of the Orioles diet, they will eat them, and they certainly did! Below you will find some of the photos I took with my Nikon D500 and my PF500 lens. Will this beautiful species of bird show up next year? Stay tuned, and we shall see!
The appearance of the Baltimore Orioles certainly added to the excitement of Fall migration in my back yard. I am grateful to have the resources to host these beautiful birds as they compliment the usual suspects that have been showing up in my yard. I can’t wait until next year!
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