Gray-chested Dove
Leptotila cassinii
eBird gives this description for the Gray-chested Dove: Retiring, terrestrial dove of humid tropical forest in the lowlands. Heard more frequently than seen. Like other members of the genus, it can be found walking quietly on shady roadsides and trails, especially early and late in the day. It often flushes explosively and flies to a low perch in the understory. Told from White-tipped Dove and Gray-headed Dove by warm brown crown and hindneck, and duskier grayish chest. In flight, all Leptotila doves show white tail corners and rusty under the wings.
The Birds of the World website introduces the Gray-chested Dove with the following descriptive information: The Gray-chested Dove is found over much of Central America, from Guatemala southwards, as well as in parts of northern and western Colombia. It prefers second-growth vegetation and has been recorded to approximately 1400 m elevation. Compared to its congenerics, the Gray-chested Dove should be readily distinguished, given a good view, by its rather darker head and underparts than other Leptotila. In common with other members of the genus, this species is likely to be initially located by its calls, in this case a low-pitched, single-noted whooooh, which rises slightly at first and then falls. Also, like other Leptotila, the Gray-chested Dove is most readily encountered on the ground, when searching for seeds and small insects, and is always observed singly or in pairs. It is generally fairly common throughout its Central American range, but rather less abundant in Colombia.
I met my first Gray-chested Dove while walking a trail in Carara National Park in Costa Rica on the morning of February 10, 2023. Subpar photos in the low light of the understory, but good enough for identification.