Yellow-winged Vireo

Vireo carmioli

eBird describes the Yellow-winged Vireo in this manner:  Small yellowish bird; note bold wingbars and face pattern with short pale eyebrow and arc under the eye. Yellow underparts sometimes bright, sometimes paler whitish, but always some yellow tones. Could be mistaken for a tyrannulet but note thicker bill and more horizontal posture. Usually seen singly or in pairs, following a mixed-species flock through forest, edge, and second growth. Found at relatively high elevations in its limited range. Song is a slow series of short phrases, like a squeaky Yellow-throated Vireo.

The Birds of the World website introduces the Yellow-winged Vireo with this descriptive information:  Also known as Carmiol’s Vireo, the Yellow-winged Vireo is reasonably numerous but restricted to the mountains of western Costa Rica and adjacent, westernmost Panama. Above this species is largely olive-green with a broad yellow supercilium and bold pale yellowish wingbars, while below it is usually largely unmarked yellowish. The Yellow-winged Vireo is found in the canopy and at the borders of cool montane forests between 1600 and 3000 m, but has been occasionally found as low as 900 m in Panama. It sometimes joins mixed-species flocks, and is reported to periodically descend to lower elevations in the non-breeding season, presumably explaining the low-altitude records from Panama.

I first met this little bird on the morning of February 8, 2023 while hiking a mountain trail above the Savegre Hotel in Costa Rica with a small group from Tropical Birding.  I think this wass the only Vireo I saw on the whole trip!