(Icterus spurius)

eBird offers this description of the Orchard Oriole:  Smaller than Baltimore Oriole with smaller, slightly decurved bill. Adult males are rich chestnut brown with black head. Females are dull yellow-green with white wingbars. Immature males similar to females, but with black throat. Prefers open woodlands, river edges, pastures with scattered trees, and orchards. Visits feeders with nectar and fruits. Departs breeding grounds early and heads to wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America.

I was excited to see the Orchard Oriole during my visit to Sabine Woods in April of 2020.  What a beautiful bird!

Orchard Oriole at Sabine Woods, April 27, 2020.
Beautiful details of an Orchard Oriole at Sabine Woods, April 27, 2020.
Orchard Oriole at the eastern water feature in Sabine Woods, April 27, 2020.
Two Orchard Orioles in the eastern water feature at Sabine Woods, April 27, 2020.
An Orchard Oriole with a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Sabine Woods, April 27, 2020.

“Cool Facts” About the Orchard Oriole From All About Birds

  • On their favorite habitats—along river edges, for example—Orchard Orioles nest in groups, often with multiple nests in a single tree. On less suitable habitats, however, they tend to be solitary.
  • Orchard Orioles migrate north late in the spring and head southward early, with some returning to their wintering grounds as early as mid-July. Because of the short breeding season, researchers have trouble distinguishing between breeding orioles and migrating ones in any given location.
  • The Orchard Oriole eats nectar and pollen from flowers, especially during the winter. It is a pollinator for some tropical plant species: as it feeds, its head gets dusted with pollen, which then gets transferred from flower to flower. Sometimes, though, the oriole pierces the flower’s base to suck out the nectar—getting the reward without rendering a service to the plant.
  • Orchard Orioles are relatively easygoing toward each other or other bird species, nesting in close quarters with Baltimore Orioles, Bullock’s Orioles, Eastern Kingbirds, Western Kingbirds, American Robins, and Chipping Sparrows. The aggressive kingbirds may be useful neighbors because they ward off predators and cowbirds (which lay their eggs in the nests of other birds).
  • The oldest Orchard Oriole on record was a male, and at least 11 years old when he was recaptured and released during banding operations in Maryland in 2012.