(Vireo Solitrius)
eBird offers this description of the Blue-headed Vireo: Attractive vireo with thick white spectacles that contrast with slaty-blue head. Also note greenish back with two bold white wingbars, yellowish sides, white throat, and white belly. Thicker bill than warblers and slightly hooked at the tip. Found in forested areas, typically mixed coniferous and deciduous. Often in flocks with other small songbirds. Blue-headed is brighter with more contrasting plumage. Song is sweeter and slower than other vireos in breeding range.
I saw and photographed a Blue-headed Vireo at Warbler Woods on the morning of May 8, 2020. This bird made a brief appearance at Warbler Pond and I was able to take acceptable photos. A cute little bird!
“Cool Facts” About The Blue-headed Vireo From All About Birds…
- The Blue-headed Vireo is the easternmost form in the “Solitary Vireo” complex. Formerly considered one species, three species now are recognized. In appearance it is the most brightly colored of the three.
- The Blue-headed Vireo is the only vireo within its range that makes extensive use of coniferous forests, although it also occupies deciduous habitats.
- The oldest recorded Blue-headed Vireo was at least 6 years, 5 months old. It was banded in Ontario and found in Guatemala.