(Zenaida macroura)
eBird describes the Mourning Dove as follows: Very common, widespread dove. Almost half the size of Rock Pigeon. Chunky body, small head and pointed tail. Brown with dark spots on wings. Pinkish-beige belly is slightly paler than wings. Found in a variety of habitats with some shrubs and trees; loves suburbs. Avoids dense forest, but found on forest edges.
I identified and photographed Mourning Doves on the morning of April 19, 2020, at Salt Lake in Guadalupe County, near Luling, Texas.
Mourning Dove “Cool Facts” From All About Birds…
- During the breeding season, you might see three Mourning Doves flying in tight formation, one after another. This is a form of social display. Typically the bird in the lead is the male of a mated pair. The second bird is an unmated male chasing his rival from the area where he hopes to nest. The third is the female of the mated pair, which seems to go along for the ride.
- Mourning Doves tend to feed busily on the ground, swallowing seeds and storing them in an enlargement of the esophagus called the crop. Once they’ve filled it (the record is 17,200 bluegrass seeds in a single crop!), they can fly to a safe perch to digest the meal.
- Mourning Doves eat roughly 12 to 20 percent of their body weight per day, or 71 calories on average.
- Perhaps one reason why Mourning Doves survive in the desert: they can drink brackish spring water (up to almost half the salinity of sea water) without becoming dehydrated the way humans would.
- The Mourning Dove is the most widespread and abundant game bird in North America. Every year hunters harvest more than 20 million, but the Mourning Dove remains one of our most abundant birds with a U.S. population estimated at 350 million.
- The oldest known Mourning Dove was a male, and at least 30 years, 4 months old when he was shot in Florida in 1998. He had been banded in Georgia in 1968.