(Egretta thula)

eBird offers the following description of the Snowy Egret:  Medium-sized white heron. Long, thin, black bill. Yellow lores (between eye and bill). Adults have black legs and yellow feet. Immatures have greenish-yellow legs and feet. Forages in wetlands. Often with a more active feeding style than Great Egret that moves very slowly. Smaller than Great Egret; also note Snowy’s black bill. Bit larger than Cattle Egret and more likely to have its feet in the water rather than walking in fields. Immature Little Blue Heron has greenish legs and base of bill rather than Snowy’s black and yellow.

I have seen Snowy Egrets at two places.  The first place I saw them was at the Crescent Bend Nature Center in Cibolo, Texas.  I also saw them on a recent trip to High Island, Texas.  I selected my best photos and posted them in this gallery.

Snowy Egret I saw along the road just outside of High Island, Texas, April 28, 2020.
Snowy Egret fishing in Cibolo Creek, Crescent Bend Nature Center, April 17, 2020.
I included this photo because it shows the black legs and yellow/orange feet of the Snowy Egret. Crescent Bend Nature Center, April 17, 2020.