(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)

The American White Pelican is an extremely large and conspicuous bird that is white with black wing tips that extend partially down the trailing edge of the wing. This pelican has a very long, yellow bill with pouch for scooping up fish, along with yellow legs and feet.  A breeding adult has a bright orange bill and legs.  Breeding adults also usually grow a flat fibrous plate in the middle of the upper mandible, which drops off after eggs have hatched.  An adult that is feeding chicks has a gray-black crown.  Forages in flocks, swimming together to concentrate fish. Often soars in flocks, infrequently flapping, during migration and when traveling between feeding sites.  When Dorothy and I were at Goose Island State Park near Rockport, Texas, we saw a large group feeding near the boat ramp by the picnic grounds.  That is when I took the first photos below.

This photo of a part of a large group of American White Pelicans illustrates the black wing tips and the fibrous plate on the upper mandible signifying a breeding adult. Goose Island S. P., March 2, 2020...our 46th Anniversary!
American White Pelican in flight at Goose Island, Texas. March 2, 2020.
Note how the pouch can expland! American White Pelicans at Goose Island S. P., March 2, 2020.