Midway Petroglyph Site Gallery

This small site is located on a rock outcrop that is on the west side of Fish Slough Road about half way between Red Canyon and Chidago Canyon.  I visited the site on Sunday morning, November 3, 2019.  I spotted the site from  the road with my binoculars  and hike over to it for photos.  I decided to call this small site “Midway”  since it is about midway between the two larger sites on Fish Slough Road.  To read about details of the trip that included my visit to this site, look here.  

Significant Panels at the Midway Petroglyph Site…(D7500)

This panel is on the far right of the Midway site.
Near the center of the site.
Another panel near the center of the site.
On a free standing boulder near the main rock structure.
Another panel on a free standing boulder at the Midway Site.
This small panel is on the far left hand side of the site.