On Friday, December 1, 2017, I visited the Hopi Reservation to visit rock art galleries located there. The day before, I had spent the afternoon at Brantley Baird’s Rock Art Ranch south of Holbrook, Arizona. On my drive to Brantley’s ranch the previous morning, I made a reservation to spend the night at the Hopi Cultural Center, which is located in the heart of the Reservation. I also called and booked a guide for the next day. The guide I hired was a Hopi elder named Donald Danahongnewa. I had come across Donald’s name and phone number in an obscure blog some time ago. Donald met me at the Hopi Cultural Center early on that Friday morning. We first drove to a site he called “Prophesy Rock”. After spending a little time there, we headed to Dawa Park, where we spent most of the day. Dawa Park was an impressive place, and I am pleased to have been able to visit there. My photographs don’t do the place justice, but I hope you enjoy them none the less! To see my blog about the trip (“A Haphazard Rock Art Trip to Soothe the Soul”) that included my visit to the Hopi Reservation, look here.
I really enjoyed the time I spent experiencing Dawa Park on the Hopi Reservation. It was a special treat to have Donald with me, and I thoroughly enjoyed his stories and his interpretative analysis of the rock art at Dawa. As I drove him back to his mesa (and his home) I spotted a small panel above the road we were on. I pulled over to get a better look and, before Donald could stop me, I jumped out and took a picture. Donald was not happy. He explained that we were not on his mesa, and that he did not have authority to grant me permission to take the photo. I apologized, and we headed on our way. In short order, I noticed Donald chuckling to himself. I asked him what was funny and he replied, “You would *&%# yourself if you knew the rock art that is on the cliff at the base of the mesa below us! I just wish I could take you to see it!”. Oh well, maybe someday!