The Freemont Indian State Park is located right on IH-70 near Richfield, Utah, and very easy to get to.


I visited this little State Park on the afternoon of Monday, July 15, 2019.  They have a nice little visitor center and museum and the park is well marked with signs that correspond to interpretative materials available at the Visitor’s Center.  I enjoyed exploring the park and tried to see as much of the rock art as I could.  Hope you enjoy my photos!

The following photos are from the Parade of Rock Art Trail

The following photos are from the Court of Ceremonies Trail

These photos were taken at an interpretative area known as the "Arch of Art"

These photos were taken at The Cave of A Hundred Hands Site

These individual photos were taken at the areas of the park as noted in their respective captions...

This pictograph, known as "The Blanket" was taken across IH-70 from the Sheep Shelter.
This panel is on the Rim Trail and is known as "The Kilted Man".
Left hand portion of "The Newspaper Rock" panel, located on the Rim Trail.
I spotted this interesting petroglyph on the east wall of the Canyon of Life.
Also on the east wall of the Canyon of Life.
A random panel spotted from the main park road.
Another nice panel spotted from the main park road.
Check out this interesting fellow!
I saw this panel on a brochure at the Visitor Center. They wouldn't/couldn't tell me where it was, but I found it anyway, along the main road.
It took considerable effort to climb up to this guy, located about a third of a mile hike west of the Sheep Shelter.
Ran into these guys while hiking/exploring in the canyon that leads to Spider Woman Rock. Unfortunately I ran out of time before I got to the Spider Woman...maybe next time!