I had the pleasure of visiting the Kokopelli Panel in Seven Mile Canyon on March 23, 2019. I had climbed up to Snake-in-the-Mouth, which is located near where Seven Mile Canyon opens to the road to the Island In The Sky Visitor Center at Canyonlands National Park, and then planned to visit several sites in Seven Mile. The Kokopelli was much harder to find than I anticipated. It was further into the canyon than I thought, and it was pretty well hidden. Once I located it, I discovered that, due to its location high on a canyon wall, it was difficult to photograph. There is a very narrow ledge in front of the panel, but it really doesn’t give you enough room to take photos that show the whole panel. It is a nice petroglyph panel, even though my photos don’t do it justice. Turns out that after I finished up at the Kokopelli site and headed further into the canyon to explore for more sites, I spotted a nasty looking thunderstorm that appeared to be headed my way. So I turned around and headed back to my truck and the trailhead. Next time I find myself in Moab, I hope I can make time to visit this canyon again!
Just For Grins, I Took A Few Pictures Using D-Stretch...Here Is One of Them...