The Dinwoody Type Site, upper Dinwoody Lake, Wind River Reservation
Early on Sunday morning, August 26, 2018, Billy Ward and I visited the Dinwoody Type Site located near upper Dinwoody Lake on the Wind River Reservation. For details of our visit, see my post “In Search of a Boy and His Dog” under the Blog/Rockart Excursions Menu of this website. It was sort of a bittersweet day — the bright sunshine and extremely high winds were not conducive to the experience we were hoping for that morning. But, in all honestly, the idea that we might not be welcomed there (and asked to leave, perhaps in a forceful manner), hung over our time there like a sullen blanket. I am glad, however, that we went, and that we got to experience this sacred place, even under less than ideal conditions. Hope you enjoy the pictures I brought back….