Short-billed Pigeon
Patagioenas nigrirostris
eBird provides this description of the Short-billed Pigeon: Overall dark pigeon of humid evergreen forest in tropical lowlands. Lives mainly in the canopy, where it is hard to spot, although its far-carrying hoo’koo-koo-koo song is often heard and may help in locating it. Sometimes feeds on fallen fruit on the ground, where it can be seen beside quiet trails. Plumage is dark brownish above, with a pinkish head, chest, and underparts. Note the short black bill.
I saw my first Short-billed Pigeon from the main dining room deck at Blackrock Lodge on the evening of November 20, 2024. I stayed three nights at Black Rock on my own, since my group from The Texas Ornithological Society had to cut our trip to Belize short due to complications with Tropical Storm Sara. The main dining room deck overlooked a feeder, as well as assorted trees along the Macal River. This Pigeon was moving around in one of the trees, but offerred some pretty good looks. Below are some of the photos I took that day.