The Procession Panel Gallery
I visited the iconic Procession Panel on Comb Ridge on the late morning of April 24, 2022. I am grateful I finally made this hike to see this iconic panel. The site is located high on Comb Ridge, so it takes some effort to climb up there, but it is certainly worth it. I spent a couple of hours exploring and enjoying this special place. To see my blog post that includes my visit to the Procession Panel, look here. Below are some galleries of photos that I took that day. I hope you enjoy them!
This First Gallery Is Of A Few Small Panels On the Approach Near The Procession Site, And Were Taken With My Nikon D7200 Camera…
Photos Of The Main Procession Panel, Taken With My Nikon D7200 Camera…
A Video of The Procession Panel That I Made on August 24, 2022…