Morelet’s Seedeater

Sporophila morelleti


eBird describes the Morelet’s Seedeater like this:  Fairly common little bird of grassland and weedy areas in the tropical lowlands and foothills. Occurs from Texas to Panama. Often in flocks, mixing readily with other “weed-eating” small birds. Plumage is very variable, but all birds have a stubby dark bill with a curved culmen. Usually shows two whitish wingbars. Breeding plumage males with a black cap and bold white collar are usually outnumbered by female-plumaged birds, which are plain brownish, sometimes showing buffy wingbars.

I saw my first Morelet’s Seedeater at Blackrock Lodge on November 22, 2024.  I stayed three nights at Black Rock on my own, since my group from The Texas Ornithological Society had to cut our trip to Belize short due to complications with Tropical Storm Sara.   Here are some of my photos from that day of this cute little bird.