A Wedding As Beautiful As All of Michigan
The Jeremy Burleigh and Melissa Collins Wedding
Late Spring of 2024, Dorothy and I were excited to receive an invitation to attend my nephew Jeremy’s wedding, which was to take place on August 31, 2024, near Flint, Michigan. At the time we received our invitation, I was still involved in the unpleasant and painful process of trying to recover from my surgery for prostate cancer, and it didn’t look like I would be in any shape to travel for quite a few months, if ever. So, we regretfully RSVP-ed as declining. However, toward the end of July, 2024, I began to feel better and started rethinking our decision not to attend the wedding. As I researched travel arrangments, I realized that to get to Flint, Michigan, we would have to fly from Austin to Chicago then on to Flint. We were soon faced with the reality that Dorothy’s reduced mobility would make it next to impossible for her to successfully complete the trip. Climbing onto shuttle buses and navigating gate changes at O’Hare International were the two primary obstacles that led to Dorothy deciding not to make the trip. So, early on the morning of Friday, August 30, 2024, I left the lake at 3:45 a.m. and drove to Austin Bergstrom Airport to catch an early flight to Chicago where I would then catch a flight to Flint, Michigan. As is my custom, I arrived early. I parked at a long term lot, and made it through security before the worst of the early morning crowds. Upon arrival at O’Hare, I successfully navigated the maze of gates and terminals and caught my afternoon flight to Flint, Michigan.
A few days before I left for Michigan, Jeremy and his fiance Melissa texted me with an invitation to attend the rehearsal dinner on the Friday night before the wedding. I told them I would be there, as long as my flights were not delayed and I got to Flint on time. Turned out, my flights were on time, and I made it to the rehearsal dinner. In fact, I was the first person there. Melissa’s family went out of their way to make me feel welcome — what nice folks. I enjoyed meeting everyone that evening, and especially enjoyed seeing Jeremy’s children. Addison is now a senior in high school, Maci is a freshman, and Ethan is in seventh grade. It had been such a long time since I had seen them, that, at first, I didn’t realize who they were! I found them to be well spoken, friendly, and and very interesting to talk to. At the end of the evening, I was very glad that I had been able to attend the rehearsal dinner. It was a great way to begin my trip on Michigan soil. Here are a few photos from that evening.

Saturday August 31, 2024 was a perfect day for a wedding. Crystal clear blue skies and pleasant afternoon temperatures made for a perfect outdoor ceremony at Creekside Acres in Goodrich, Michigan, located just a few miles in a rural area outside of Flint. The wedding started right on time. It had been a while since I had been to a wedding, and I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy them. A solemn occasion tempered by love and excitement for the couple never fails to get me misty eyed and provide a warm, fuzzy feeling in my gut. Melissa looked radiant, and Jeremy was obviously so very happy. Jeremy’s three children were in the wedding, and they each played their part with a grace and maturity well beyond their years.

Immediately following the ceremony, the wedding party and guests went inside. The Creekside Acres facility was perfect for dinner, dancing, and all the activities that are traditionally part of a wedding celebration. Heartfelt speeches were made by close friends and relatives (including yours truly), as guests enjoyed a tasty buffet dinner. Jeremy and Melissa were the stars of the show as they danced the first dance as a married couple. It was very obvious that they had prepared — their dance was very impressive! It was very touching to see the Melissa’s dance with her father, and Jeremy’s dance with Mellisa’s mom. Jeremy also enjoyed dances with his two lovely daughters. Feeding their spouses cake brought lots of smiles and laughter to all at this wonderful occasion.

I am very grateful that my health improved enough for me to attend Jeremy and Melissa’s wedding. After several months of medical malaise, the wedding provided my spirits a much needed boost! I am also grateful to my wife Dorothy for letting me fly to Michigan for this lovely affair. I love you, Dorothy! I also love you, Jeremy, Melissa, Addison, Maci, and Ethan — rest assured I will be sending you all good karma and best hopes from deep in the heart of Texas! Tom McCoppin