A Disastrous Spring 2024 Migration
I don’t know how to describe my Spring 2024 Migration as anything other than disastrous. My year got off to a bad start when I discovered, in late January, that my prostate cancer had tripled in size and required some immediate treatment. After investigating a dismaying array of treatment options, I settled on a procedure known as High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). On a previous blog, I described in great detail what led up to that decision. Anyway, I had the procedure on April 1, 2024 — that’s right, April Fools Day, and the results turned out to be no joke. I ended up having to endure several weeks of self-catheterization — a very painful and unpleasant affair, to say the least. So, as late May stumbled to my doorstep, I had hardly been out of the house since my surgery. I was delighted to receive an invitation from my dear friend Charles Pollard for a short visit to his ranch. Needless to say, I had done no bird watching this spring; in fact, I had to cancel my reservations to the Spring TOS meeting in the Valley. I gladly accepted Charlie’s invite and looked forward to sneaking in some birdwatching on this short trip.
I left home early on the morning of Wednesday, May 22, 2024 and headed to Kerrville. I stopped off at Flat Rock Lake Park and enjoyed stretching my legs with a nice walk.
I left the park and drove to the Kerrville Walmart where I met up with my friend Charlie Pollard. It was great to see him and to catch up as we shopped for items for the ranch larder. We then headed out to Charlie’s ranch which, by the way, was covered with beautiful wildflowers. I enjoyed spending time with Charlie and his grandson Cooper, and Cooper’s friend Kenny.
Late that afternoon, the boys went to the blinds to hunt hogs, and I took the opportunity to walk the fenceline near camp, then set up to watch the water trough near the front gate. I saw some beautiful and colorful birds and wildlife. A perfect way to end a relaxing day at Charlie’s ranch!
I was up early on the morning of Thursday May 23, 2024, leaving Charlie’s ranch a little before 5:00 a.m. I decided to head for South Llano River State Park (SLRSP) outside of Junction. It had been quite some time since I had been able to visit this park and its four wonderful bird blinds. I arrived at the park as the sun was coming up and enjoyed the next few hours walking and visiting all four of the bird blinds. I didn’t see any new birds, but certainly enjoyed visiting with old friends!
A Near Disaster On The Road Home….
I left the park about 9:30 a.m. and headed home. About an hour later, I suddenly found myself crashing on IH-10 near Kerrville. While my car was totalled, I escaped almost unscathed, thanks to the safety features on my Subaru Onyx XT. I am grateful that it was not my time yet and that the Big Guy was looking after me that morning!