The Rocking Sheep Panel
(Litttle Colorado River)
I visited this site on the late morning/early afternoon of September 23, 2024. After spending the morning exploring the area around the Mother of Game Site, my friend Richard and I headed north toward Petrified Forest National Park. As we traveled along Old Woodruff Road (toward Highway 180) we could see an area of the Little Colorado River that looked like a landscape that might contain rock art. We stopped at a pull-out and hiked cross country to the river and did some exploring. In short order we found The Rocking Sheep Panel, which I recognized from Tapamveni (on page 89). The caption for the photo in Tapamveni includes the following information: “Attested at several sites in Palavayu is this curious motif, an animal on ‘rockers’, usually portrayed with zigzag legs.” The panel was located on a canyon wall across the river which was not crossable, so we had to be content with viewing this unique panel from a distance. We did not see any other art along this section of the Little Colorado River. To see the blog that includes my visit to this site, look here. Below are some of my pictures from that day.