Northern Schiffornis
Schiffornis veraepacis
eBird gives this descriptive information about the Northern Schiffornis: Elusive, chunky brown bird of shady forest understory in humid tropical lowlands. Heard far more often than seen. Haunting, slurred whistle carries well and is easily imitated. Song given irregularly; not steadily repeated. Note the chunky build, drab dark olive-brown plumage with paler eyering accentuating big eye, and rather slender black bill. Tends to perch quietly and upright, then slips off like a ghost and not seen again.
I saw my first Northern Schiffornis at Blackrock Lodge on November 22, 2024. I stayed three nights at Black Rock on my own, since my group from The Texas Ornithological Society had to cut our trip to Belize short due to complications with Tropical Storm Sara. My guide Jeffry first heard this small bird then we were able to locate it. Below are some of my photos from that day.